Grabbing listings
Configure xmltv via the xmltv documented installation instructions.
Quickstart: run 'tv_grab_your_local --configure' Enter the channels you require. Run 'tv_grab_your_local --days=1 > /tmp/TV.xml'
Run the xml tv guide grabber periodically to have it pull the XML files describing your television programming.
For automatic downloading, you can add a line like this to your crontab:
0 3 * * * /usr/bin/tv_grab_your_local --gui TermNoProgressBar --days=2 > /tmp/TV.xml 2>/tmp/TV.xml.error &
The "2>/tmp/TV.xml.error" bit saves the grabber's stderr output to a file. The "&" backgrounds the grabbing process. Without the "&", XMLTV will run in the foreground and if the process takes more than a minute, cron will kill it, leaving you with a partial XML file that Freevo can't use. The "--gui TermNoProgressBar" option solves an issue with the stderr output redirection.
The Freevo module "" can be run standalone to generate a translated version of the TV guide that makes the first startup a lot quicker. NOTE Add better instructions
For information on how to add this to your crontab:
Another way to do it is to have this in your crontab:
/path/to/freevo tv_grab > /tmp/TV.log 2>&1
You will need to define XMLTV_GRABBER in your
Here's another shell script that you can cron that may help you out.
/usr/bin/tv_grab_na --listings "$HOME/freevo/xmltv/listings_%d%m%Y.xml" --days 1 rm /tmp/TV.xml ln -s `date +'$HOME/freevo/xmltv/listings_%d%m%Y.xml'` /tmp/TV.xml