Belgian French listings using JXMLTV
While will work for some Belgian cable channels, there is a better alternative.
PyTVGrab_tlm is currently broken, but JXMLTV is working for French and Flemish listings and includes some extra functionality.
JXMLTV relies on Java; visit their website for more configuration help.
Quick Start for French Channels
Unzip the JXMLTV file from their website and in the directory execute as a regular user:
java -jar jxmltv.jar be.tlm
You should see something like:
... Info: Found ZDF (All.2) (all2) Info: Found WDR (All.3) (all3%20wdr) Info: Found SWR (All.3) (all3%20swf) Info: Found RTL Allemagne (rtl%20allemagne) Info: Found RAI UNO (rai) Info: Found TVE (tve) Info: Found RTPi (rtp%20internacional) Info: 2006-08-24 07:00 (La Une): Au quotidien � JT � Météo � Cotes & cours Info: 2006-08-24 08:20 (La Une): Escapade gourmande ...
When you see the lines like "Info: 2006-08-24 08:20 (La Une): Escapade gourmande" press Control-C to stop the program. You want to edit the configuration to select which channels you want first.
All channels are by default marked for downloading. To remove a channel (say AB3) edit the file and change
channel.enable.ab3=true to channel.enable.ab3=false
Further settings in the same file that you could change:
output.filename=xmltv.xml to output.filename=/tmp/TV.xml download.days=7 to download.days=3 (or whatever you like)
Now run
java -jar jxmltv.jar be.tlm
Again and your programmes will be downloaded. You can set this with a cronjob to run automatically.
In your you need to update your channel list to use the same id as the TV.xml file produced by JXMLTV.
Here is my selection of channels for Coditel analogue in Brussels:
TV_CHANNELS = [ ( "euronews", "Euronews", "S37"), ( "bbc1", "BBC1", "S13" ), ( "tf1", "TF1", "E6"), ( "france2", "France 2", "U24"), ( "france3", "France 3", "S5"), ( "arte", "Arte", "S16" ), ( "tv5", "TV5", "S17"), ( "la%20une", "La Une", "E7"), ( "la%20deux", "La Deux", "S15"), ( "kanaal2", "KanaalTwee", "S6"), ( "vt4", "VT4", "S12"), ( "tv1", "Een", "E5" ), ( "vtm", "VTM", "S11"), ( "ketnet", "ketnet", "E11"), ( "mtv", "MTV", "U26", ('1234567','1800','0559')), ( "mtv", "nickelodeon", "U26", ('1234567','0600','1759')) ]
Remember to remove /var/cache/freevo/TV.xml.pickled if you're not seeing your channel updates in freevo.