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Belgian French listings using JXMLTV

While xml_tv_be.py will work for some Belgian cable channels, there is a better alternative.

PyTVGrab_tlm is currently broken, but JXMLTV is working for French and Flemish listings and includes some extra functionality.

JXMLTV relies on Java; visit their website for more configuration help.

Quick Start for French Channels

Unzip the JXMLTV file from their website and in the directory execute as a regular user:

java -jar jxmltv.jar be.tlm

You should see something like:

Info: Found ZDF (All.2) (all2)
Info: Found WDR (All.3) (all3%20wdr)
Info: Found SWR (All.3) (all3%20swf)
Info: Found RTL Allemagne (rtl%20allemagne)
Info: Found RAI UNO (rai)
Info: Found TVE (tve)
Info: Found RTPi (rtp%20internacional)
Info: 2006-08-24 07:00 (La Une): Au quotidien � JT � Météo � Cotes & cours
Info: 2006-08-24 08:20 (La Une): Escapade gourmande

When you see the lines like "Info: 2006-08-24 08:20 (La Une): Escapade gourmande" press Control-C to stop the program. You want to edit the configuration to select which channels you want first.

All channels are by default marked for downloading. To remove a channel (say AB3) edit the jxmltv.be.tlm.properties file and change


Further settings in the same file that you could change:


download.days=3 (or whatever you like)

Now run

java -jar jxmltv.jar be.tlm

Again and your programmes will be downloaded. You can set this with a cronjob to run automatically.

In your local_conf.py you need to update your channel list to use the same id as the TV.xml file produced by JXMLTV.

Here is my selection of channels for Coditel analogue in Brussels:

        ( "euronews", "Euronews", "S37"),
        ( "bbc1", "BBC1", "S13" ),
        ( "tf1", "TF1", "E6"),
        ( "france2", "France 2", "U24"),
        ( "france3", "France 3", "S5"),
        ( "arte", "Arte", "S16" ),
        ( "tv5", "TV5", "S17"),
        ( "la%20une", "La Une", "E7"),
        ( "la%20deux", "La Deux", "S15"),
        ( "kanaal2", "KanaalTwee", "S6"),
        ( "vt4", "VT4", "S12"),
        ( "tv1", "Een", "E5" ),
        ( "vtm", "VTM", "S11"),
        ( "ketnet", "ketnet", "E11"),
        ( "mtv", "MTV", "U26", ('1234567','1800','0559')),
        ( "mtv", "nickelodeon", "U26", ('1234567','0600','1759')) ] 

Remember to remove /var/cache/freevo/TV.xml.pickled if you're not seeing your channel updates in freevo.

2014-02-15 05:47