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Freevo Apt for debian

Debian Lenny/Sid Installation

Freevo is now included with Debian since Lenny (version 4.1). To install freevo, simply type --

apt-get install freevo

Debian Etch Installation

A third-party Debian apt source is available and includes all the dependencies you'll need.

You should add this to your /etc/apt/sources.list file:

For Freevo 1.5.3

deb http://freevo.sourceforge.net/debian unstable main
deb http://debian-multimedia.org sarge main

For Freevo 1.7.x

deb http://debian.geole.info/ etch main contrib non-free

The repo debian-multimedia.org provides multimedia packages for dvd playback. For Etch it´s not neccesary, but recommendable.

deb http://debian-multimedia.org etch main

To fetch all the dependencies you'll require to run Freevo simply run

apt-get update
apt-get install freevo

Debian Sarge Installation

If you have installed a fresh copy of Debian Sarge you will notice that several configurations that were discussed don't really match what you have got on your system. Below are the basic steps required to get this running without too much effort.

Below is what I did for Gnome 2.8.3 installed on Stable Debian Sarge. The below is a breif installation instruction. Will be very useful if you would like to run your Debian box as a freevo station as well as a webserver, or some other tool that could be remotely used. The below section gives you a high level idea of how Freevo could be installed on Debian Sarge.

1. Install Debian (Download the basic package, get the rest via http)

2. Install AGP, Sound Card Drivers etc

The first two step could vary for different systems and therefore it is upto the user to get that working. Shouldn't be too complicated if you are using some well known parts (ASUS, Nvidia etc.)

3. Setup vncserver (you will need this when your box moves closer to the TV) apt-get install vncserver

4. Add a script into "/etc/init.d/vncserver" to run vncserver on startup Here is the script

# Multiple VNC Servers added by Max Gaukler
export USER="root"
export PATH="/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin:/bin:/usr/bin/X11:/var/run/vncserver"

#VNCPARAMS: set your parameters here:
VNCPARAMS[1]="-name blahbblahvnc -geometry 800x600"
# uncomment (remove #) for multiple servers:
# VNCPARAMS[2]="-name asjdafjxcd"
# VNCPARAMS[3]="-name asddsfdsf"
# and so on...

        for ((num=1; $num <= ${#VNCPARAMS[*]}; num=$num+1));
                su $USER -c "vncserver ${VNCPARAMS[$num]} :$num"
        for ((num=1; $num <= ${#VNCPARAMS[*]}; num=$num+1));
                su $USER -c "vncserver -clean -kill :$num"
case "$1" in
        echo -n "Starting Xvnc servers: "
        echo -n "Stopping Xvnc "
        echo -n "Restarting Xvnc "
        echo "Usage: /etc/init.d/$NAME {start|stop|restart}"
        exit 1
exit 0

5. Then run "update-rc.d vncserver defaults 20" 6. Install freevo "apt-get install freevo"

7. Configure freevo. File are located under "/etc/freevo" *****

8. Edit local_config.py, search for "VIDEO_ITEMS". Play around with the settings, and back to 7.

9. Now you could install realvnc (realvnc.com) in your windows system. Access the debianbox. "debianbox:1"

10. - To access the freevo screen directly install x11vnc in debianbox "apt-get install x11vnc"

11. If you have installed gnome and would like to boot directly into freevo. Try this instead of the instructions given in installation

-- The below was done because the specified "Sessions" folder was not found under "/etc/gdm" folder

12. open "/etc/X11/gdm/Xsession" right after echo "$0:Beginning session setup"

add these lines

exec x11vnc -display :0 &
exec /usr/bin/freevo

exit 0;

13. Got windows share? Then use the below command to get it mounted to your linux box.

mount -t smbfs //winbox/freevo /mnt/freevo

Here "winbox" is my windows machine, "freevo" is the folder i shared and "/mnt/freevo" is the folder that got mounted. Now, you could add "/mnt/freevo" to your VIDEO_ITEMS and watch the movies via the network.

Ubuntu: See FreevoAptUbuntu

Some hints for installing freevo on the Debian-based Ubuntu distribution can be found under FreevoAptUbuntu.

is the following now obsolete?

ERROR: Since UBUNTU install python2.4 by default and pylirc and mmpython are only for python2.3, it's not so easy to install. I'm thinking uninstalling python2.4 and install 2.3, but I'm not sure if any application that my system needs python2.4. Any suggestion? Thanks

# aptitude install freevo
Reading package lists... Done
Building dependency tree
Reading extended state information
Initializing package states... Done
E: Unable to correct problems, you have held broken packages.
E: Unable to correct dependencies, some packages cannot be installed
E: Unable to resolve some dependencies!
Some packages had unmet dependencies.  This may mean that you have
requested an impossible situation or if you are using the unstable
distribution that some required packages have not yet been created
or been moved out of Incoming.

The following packages have unmet dependencies:
  freevo: Depends: python (< 2.4) but 2.4.1-0ubuntu2 is to be installed.

# /usr/bin/freevo
can't find python version with installed freevo

You can easily build pylirc on Ubuntu Feisty. You just need to install liblircclient-dev and python2.5-dev plus all packages, needed for building software from sources (usually you get them when building lirc-modules-source) Then, get pylirc sources from http://downloads.sourceforge.net/pylirc/pylirc-0.0.5.tar.gz?modtime=1105050167&big_mirror=0 Put it, for example, in /usr/src and unpack, cd to pylirc-0.0.5 and issue

# python setup.py install

2014-02-15 05:35