This is the channels section from my This channels may vary by PLZ.
Currently the cable provider are moving channels from analogue to digital so over a period of time this list will change.
TV_CHANNELS = [ ('', u'SF 1', 'K05', '', '0', '777'), ('', u'SF 2', 'K10', '', '0', '777'), ('', u'SFinfo', 'K35'), ('', u'3+', 'S15'), ('', u'Bloomberg', 'S23'), ('', u'Eurosport', 'S17'), ('', u'ORF 1', 'S05', '', '0', '777'), ('', u'ORF 2', 'K34', '', '0', '777'), ('', u'3sat', 'S10', '', '0', '777'), ('', u'SAT 1', 'S19', '', '0'), ('', u'ARD', 'K09', '', '0', '150'), ('', u'kabel eins', 'S04', '', '0', '149'), ('', u'Bayern 3', 'K29', '', '0', '150'), ('', u'PRO 7', 'K27', '', '0', '149'), ('', u'VOX', 'K30', '', '0'), ('', u'RTL', 'K06', '', '0'), ('', u'RTL 2', 'K22'), ('', u'Super RTL', 'S26'), ('', u'WDR', 'S31', '', '0', '150'), ('', u'ZDF', 'K11', '', '0', '777'), ('', u'DSF', 'K24', '', '0'), ('', u'n-tv', 'K28', '', '0'), ('', u'Tele Züri', 'S09', '', '0'), ('', u'Südwest Fernsehen BW', 'S14', '', '0'), ('', u'Star TV', 'S07', '', '0'), ('', u'U1 TV STATION', 'S33', '', '0'), ('', u'MTV', 'S20', '', '0'), ('', u'VIVA', 'S24', '', '0'), ('', u'HSE24', 'S11', '', '0'), ('', u'CNN Int.', 'S13'), ('', u'KiKa', 'K21', ('1234567','0600','2059')), ('', u'Arte', 'K21', ('1234567','2100','2359'), ('1234567','0000','0559'), 0, 150), ('', u'TF 1', 'S12', '', '0'), ('', u'France 2', 'S28', '', '0'), ('', u'TSR 1', 'K07', '', '0'), ('', u'TSR 2', 'K37', '', '0'), ('', u'TV5 Monde', 'K31', '', '0'), ('', u'RAI UNO', 'S08', '', '0'), ('', u'TSI 1', 'K08', '', '0'), ('', u'TSI 2', 'S18', '', '0'), ('', u'Canale 5', 'K25', '', '0'), ('', u'TVE Int.', 'K12', '', 0, '0', '888'), ('', u'Tele M1**', 'S06', '', '0'), ('webcam', u'WebCam', '0', '', '1'), ]
The frequency table is non-standard, so it's here too.
FREQUENCY_TABLE = { 'K32' : 559250, 'S13' : 246250, 'K34' : 575250, 'K21' : 471250, 'K05' : 175500, 'K10' : 211000, 'K35' : 583250, 'S23' : 319250, 'S17' : 274500, 'S05' : 133250, 'S15' : 260350, 'S10' : 168500, 'S27' : 351250, 'S19' : 288500, 'K09' : 203750, 'S04' : 126250, 'K29' : 535250, 'K27' : 519250, 'K30' : 543250, 'K06' : 182750, 'K22' : 479250, 'S26' : 343250, 'S31' : 383250, 'K11' : 218000, 'K24' : 495250, 'K31' : 551250, 'K28' : 527250, 'S09' : 161500, 'S14' : 253250, 'S07' : 147250, 'S33' : 399250, 'S20' : 295750, 'S24' : 327250, 'S11' : 232000, 'S12' : 239250, 'S28' : 359250, 'K07' : 189750, 'K37' : 599250, 'K25' : 503250, 'S08' : 154500, 'K08' : 196750, 'S18' : 281500, 'K12' : 225000, 'S16' : 267500, 'S06' : 140250, }