[Index] [TitleIndex] [WordIndex

This is the channels section from my local_conf.py. This channels may vary by PLZ.

Currently the cable provider are moving channels from analogue to digital so over a period of time this list will change.

    ('C1.sfdrs.ch',     u'SF 1', 'K05', '', '0', '777'),
    ('C2.sfdrs.ch',     u'SF 2', 'K10', '', '0', '777'),
    ('sfi.sfdrs.ch',    u'SFinfo', 'K35'),
    ('C138.bluewin.ch', u'3+', 'S15'),
    ('bloomberg.com',   u'Bloomberg', 'S23'),
    ('eurosport.de',    u'Eurosport', 'S17'),
    ('C1.orf.at',       u'ORF 1', 'S05', '', '0', '777'),
    ('C2.orf.at',       u'ORF 2', 'K34', '', '0', '777'),
    ('C3sat.de',        u'3sat', 'S10', '', '0', '777'),
    ('sat1.ch',         u'SAT 1', 'S19', '', '0'),
    ('ard.de',          u'ARD', 'K09', '', '0', '150'),
    ('kabel1.de',       u'kabel eins', 'S04', '', '0', '149'),
    ('C3.br-online.de', u'Bayern 3', 'K29', '', '0', '150'),
    ('prosieben.ch',    u'PRO 7', 'K27', '', '0', '149'),
    ('vox.de',          u'VOX', 'K30', '', '0'),
    ('rtl.ch',          u'RTL', 'K06', '', '0'),
    ('rtl2.de',         u'RTL 2', 'K22'),
    ('super-rtl.de',    u'Super RTL', 'S26'),
    ('wdr.de',          u'WDR', 'S31', '', '0', '150'),
    ('zdf.de',          u'ZDF', 'K11', '', '0', '777'),
    ('dsf.com',         u'DSF', 'K24', '', '0'),
    ('n-tv.de',         u'n-tv', 'K28', '', '0'),
    ('toponline.ch',    u'Tele Züri', 'S09', '', '0'),
    ('swr.de',          u'Südwest Fernsehen BW', 'S14', '', '0'),
    ('startv.ch',       u'Star TV', 'S07', '', '0'),
    ('u1tv.ch',         u'U1 TV STATION', 'S33', '', '0'),
    ('mtv.co.uk',       u'MTV', 'S20', '', '0'),
    ('vivatv.ch',       u'VIVA', 'S24', '', '0'),
    ('hse24.de',        u'HSE24', 'S11', '', '0'),
    ('cnn.com',         u'CNN Int.', 'S13'),
    ('kika.de',         u'KiKa',    'K21', ('1234567','0600','2059')),
    ('arte.de',         u'Arte',    'K21', ('1234567','2100','2359'),
                                           ('1234567','0000','0559'), 0, 150),
    ('tf1.fr',          u'TF 1', 'S12', '', '0'),
    ('france2.fr',      u'France 2', 'S28', '', '0'),
    ('C1.tsr.ch',       u'TSR 1', 'K07', '', '0'),
    ('C2.tsr.ch',       u'TSR 2', 'K37', '', '0'),
    ('tv5.org',         u'TV5 Monde', 'K31', '', '0'),
    ('raiuno.rai.it',   u'RAI UNO', 'S08', '', '0'),
    ('C1.rtsi.ch',      u'TSI 1', 'K08', '', '0'),
    ('C2.rtsi.ch',      u'TSI 2', 'S18', '', '0'),
    ('canale5.it',      u'Canale 5', 'K25', '', '0'),
    ('tve.es',          u'TVE Int.', 'K12', '', 0, '0', '888'),
    ('telem1.ch',       u'Tele M1**', 'S06', '', '0'),
    ('webcam',          u'WebCam', '0', '', '1'),

The frequency table is non-standard, so it's here too.

    'K32' : 559250,
    'S13' : 246250,
    'K34' : 575250,
    'K21' : 471250,
    'K05' : 175500,
    'K10' : 211000,
    'K35' : 583250,
    'S23' : 319250,
    'S17' : 274500,
    'S05' : 133250,
    'S15' : 260350,
    'S10' : 168500,
    'S27' : 351250,
    'S19' : 288500,
    'K09' : 203750,
    'S04' : 126250,
    'K29' : 535250,
    'K27' : 519250,     
    'K30' : 543250,
    'K06' : 182750,
    'K22' : 479250,
    'S26' : 343250,
    'S31' : 383250,     
    'K11' : 218000,     
    'K24' : 495250,     
    'K31' : 551250,
    'K28' : 527250,
    'S09' : 161500,
    'S14' : 253250,
    'S07' : 147250,
    'S33' : 399250,
    'S20' : 295750,
    'S24' : 327250,
    'S11' : 232000,
    'S12' : 239250,
    'S28' : 359250,
    'K07' : 189750,
    'K37' : 599250,
    'K25' : 503250,
    'S08' : 154500,
    'K08' : 196750,
    'S18' : 281500,
    'K12' : 225000,
    'S16' : 267500,
    'S06' : 140250,

2014-02-15 05:10